Frequently Asked Questions


Where can we find Echo Valley Potatoes?

You can find our 5 lb, 10 lb cello bags of potatoes at your local grocery store. If you do not see us there ask! We are available throughout most of the year.

Do you have farm gate sales?

Yes, CONTACT us to make arrangements.

How many crops of potatoes do you grow?

Potatoes are planted in the spring and we begin harvest mid-summer until late fall depending upon the variety.

How should I store my potatoes?

Many factors contribute to storing your potatoes at home. Store in a cool dry, dark location. Do not store below 4 to 6 degrees Celsius.

Should you wash your potatoes before you eat them?

Yes, like all fruits and vegetables, you should rinse potatoes well before you prepare them.

Do all varieties have the same cooking characteristics?

Please see our variety and recipe page here.

What is your pesticide protocol?

We are a commercial farm, that uses Integrated Pest Management Program on our farm. We use only pesticides on our farm that are regulated by Health Canada. We are required to participate in a third party audit to insure our practices meet regulation.

Are potatoes healthy?

Yes potatoes are a good source of vitamins C and B6, manganese, phosphorus, niacin and pantothenic acid. Also a medium potato has only 110 calories.

How have you committed to reduce your environmental foot print?

This land has been in our family over sixty years. It has been our history and will be our future. We have participated in the BC Environmental Farm Plan Program since it’s inception. The environmental farm plan is for farmers who are serious about learning to reduce agriculture’s impact on the environment.

When are your cranberries ready?

Cranberry harvest begins the week after Thanksgiving. It lasts about three to four weeks.

Where can we find your cranberries?

Our cranberry crop is shipped to Ocean Spray Canada. We do have some fresh frozen available at the farm in limited supply, please CONTACT us ahead for information?

Are cranberries healthy?

Cranberry is a rich source of polyphenols with antitoxin activity.

Where did cranberries originally come from?

Cranberries are indigenous to wetlands of central and eastern North America.